International Nickel Study Group

The International Nickel Study Group (INSG) is an autonomous, intergovernmental organization established in 1990 and located in Lisbon, Portugal. Membership comprises nickel producing, using and trading countries. The INSG has no provision for market stabilization activities or market intervention of any kind.

The Main Objectives of the Group are:

  • to collect and publish improved statistics on nickel markets (including production, usage (consumption), trade, stocks, prices and other statistics such as recycling), with the aim of improving market transparency;
  • to publish other information on nickel, such as data on industry facilities and environmental regulations;
  • to provide a forum for discussions on nickel issues of interest to nickel producing and using (consuming) countries and their industries, including environmental issues;
  • to undertake economic analysis of nickel markets and related topics.

INSG Activities

The International Nickel Study Group focuses on statistics, including the production of a Monthly Bulletin on World Nickel Statistics and a World Directory of Nickel Production Facilities. These regular outputs are publicly available at small cost. Other outputs, which generally are available to members only, include:

  • a semi-annual, short-term forecast of nickel production, consumption and the market balance;
  • an annual review of new developments in nickel mining, smelting and refining as well as closures.
  • an annual compilation of existing or proposed regulations regarding environmental, health and safety concerning nickel.


The International Nickel Study Group meets twice a year in April and October, usually in Lisbon, Portugal.
All INSG meetings are private and open only to government and industry representatives from member countries. Non-member countries with significant interests in nickel are occasionally invited to observe INSG meetings in order to encourage them to join. Permanent industry association observers and invited observing organizations may also attend.

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